How to get Enhancement Cores | Ultimate Guide - Destiny 2 - SKILFUL GAMER (2024)

The question of how to get enhancement cores is a useful one for every Destiny player out there. While there are many different ways to obtain them, most newcomers won’t know the best or most efficient way to farm them.

Just like withnearly everything elsein the game, there are multiple ways to get an enhancement core. This can mean either good or bad news for you, depending on if you prefer your grinding sessions to be a bit more dynamic.

The many ways players can get enhancement cores vary with each expansion. This is because Bungie just loves (or loved?) removing old content and replacing it with new content. The number of areas that have become inaccessible over the years is an interesting one. If you have FOMO, you’ve probably not been having a good time with Destiny 2.

Still, we’ll give you some pointers, and tell you the best areas where you can find and farm enhancement cores. Keep reading to make farming for enhancement cores an easier task!

What are Enhancement Cores useful for?

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Enhancement cores have two important uses in the game, which makes knowing how to get enhancement cores also important.

Players can use enhancement cores toupgrade their gearin Destiny 2, which is their weapons and armor. Upgrading the armor, of course, gets it closer to Masterwork quality, which is the highest quality of gear available in the game.

However, there is also the unique feature ofinfusing a piece of gearwith another piece’s power score. This can give you the best of both worlds when it comes to two weapons or even just for aesthetic purposes.

As you can see, there are many reasons players will need Enhancement Cores to get them through the game. Doing a tough raid or keeping up with the highest gear level is nearly impossible.

How to get Enhancement Cores | Ultimate Guide - Destiny 2 - SKILFUL GAMER (1)

How do you get Enhancement Cores from farming?

Below, you’ll find a list of all the ways you can farm enhancement cores in Destiny 2.

There are several ways to farm Enhancement Cores in Destiny 2. One of the most reliable methods is to complete Spider’s Wanted Bounties. These bounties can be purchased from Spider in the Tangled Shore and offer a chance to drop Enhancement Cores upon completion. Another method is through dismantling gear and weapons that have the Masterwork quality.

These items have a chance to provide Enhancement Cores when dismantled. Additionally, completing Nightfall: The Ordeal and Scourge of the Past raid encounters also have a chance to drop Enhancement Cores. It’s important to note that participating in activities that reward powerful gear also have a chance to drop Enhancement Cores as part of the rewards.

How do you farm Enhancement Cores in Lightfall?

It can be easy enough to earn enhancement cores by equipping a core harvest mod to your Ghost Shell. Note that the installation is only possible in Masterworked Ghosts.

In addition to equipping a core harvest mod, there are several other ways to farm Enhancement Cores in Lightfall. One of the most reliable methods is to complete weekly milestones and activities that offer powerful rewards.

The Ordeal at higher difficulties, completing raids, participating in Trials of Osiris, and completing pinnacle activities such as the Deep Stone Crypt raid or the Iron Banner. Additionally, dismantling gear that has a high Infusion Cost can also yield Enhancement Cores. Finally, participating in seasonal events and activities introduced in Lightfall may also provide opportunities to earn Enhancement Cores.

How do you farm Enhancement Cores on the moon?

To farm Enhancement Cores on the Moon in Destiny 2, there are a few methods you can try. One way is to complete the weekly Nightfall: The Ordeal strike on the highest difficulty available to you. The Nightfall: The Ordeal has a chance to drop Enhancement Cores as a reward, and the higher the difficulty, the higher the chances.

Another method is to complete the Altars of Sorrow activity, which is a public event on the moon. By defeating waves of enemies and completing the event, you have a chance to earn Enhancement Cores as a drop. Additionally, participating in the Pit of Heresy dungeon on the moon can also reward you with Enhancement Cores upon completion.

Remember to equip any Ghost Shell, armor, or mods that increase your chances of receiving Enhancement Cores as rewards.

Can you turn Enhancement Prisms into cores?

Enhancement Prisms cannot be directly converted into Enhancement Cores. These two items serve different purposes within the game’s economy.

Enhancement Prisms are often used for upgrading high-level gear, while Enhancement Cores are primarily used for infusing gear to increase its power level. Both items are valuable resources that players can acquire through various in-game activities or by purchasing them from vendors.

Dismantle Legendary Items

Now we know this sounds like a horrifying situation, but hear us out. Dismantling legendary items you don’t need any more nets you the biggest number of enhancement cores at once.

If you dismantle a tier 4 or higher weapon that’s just sitting around in your inventory, you’ll get at least one enhancement core. However, this also depends on your RNG. If you’rereallylucky, dismantling Masterwork gear might give you up to seven enhancement cores!

This works a little bit differently for armor, though. Your armor will need to be at least tier 7 to obtain enhancement cores.

That being said, all that’s left now is to find a way to farm legendary gear in Destiny 2.


Some vendors may have a few or three enhancement cores in their stock to sell. We’ll cover which vendors sell enhancement cores and when you can catch them soon.


There’s a decent amount of bounties in Destiny 2 that give you 1 enhancement core upon completion, andBanshee-44’s bountiesare a great example.

They aren’t too demanding and you can complete most of them quickly, and they reset every day. Oh, and you have 3 characters to do them daily!

Reputation ranks

Working on increasing yourVanguard rank, Crucible rank, and Gambit rank can prove to be beneficial to you after all!

While you pick these up at each activity’s respective vendor, you obviously can’t buy them with money there. This means they can’t be classified as vendor enhancement cores.

As you gain a reputation for a certain activity, you’ll be able to get enhancement cores as rewards for it. If you reach the max rank, you’ll prestige and reset your rank, letting you earn six enhancement cores instead of three per rank reset.


If you have a Masterworked Ghost, you’ll find that equipping it with a Lesser Core Harvest mod can be a very useful tool.

You can also get enhancement cores from Adept or Hero Nightfalls, Empire Hunts, and Legend or Master Lost Sectors. This will net you 1-3 enhancement cores per activity.

What vendors sell enhancement cores?

If you have an abundance of legendary shards but no enhancement cores, you can find a small number of vendors who sell enhancement cores.

The first one is the Cryptarch Rahool in the Tower. This is also the NPC that decodes engrams for the player! However, his enhancement core selling business shouldn’t be going so well considering he charges 30 legendary shards for one enhancement core.

The other vendor selling enhancement cores is Spider on the Tangled Shore. You can find him in a cave there, where he will sell you five enhancement cores a day for 30 legendary shards.

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How to get Enhancement Cores | Ultimate Guide - Destiny 2 - SKILFUL GAMER (2024)
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